Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hola! 0‏3/02/11 Week 4

Hey everyone! 
   Como esta?  I hope everything is going well
   Well, tres semanas down, and it feels pretty crazy. Time is really starting to fly by, and all of the days are blending together haha, so hopefully i don't repeat something that happened last week saying that it happened next week? did that make sense? k cool.  Well,  first of all, I want to thank you for the letters and packages that you've been sending!  It's so so nice to get mail here, i love hearing about how everyone is doing, and what life is like outside of the MTC ha.  Casey, happy birthday!!!  I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but it sounds like you had a good time playin up some farkle and partaying.  And mom, thanks for all the packages with stuff haha, i especially enjoyed the reload of scentsy heaven.  A bunch of the elders in here want those scentsy products, so how much are the little bag things?  I have a few elders that want to buy them from you haha.  Elder Drennan wants one that is a "clean" scent and a "mint" scent.  Maybe you should just send me a list of the scents and prices and I could tell how many of each thing to send.  And trust me, we need these things cuz the only scent i smell all day is men working hard.  no me gusta.  Anyway, Dad, thanks also for sending me a letter!  I'm sorry you have to be in New Jersey so much, so get home already k? haha, and I want to hear about how the whole New York trip went too.  Anyway, some things that happened this week:  We heard from Bishop Edgley of the Presiding Bishopric speak yesterday, and it was amazing.  His talk was about missionary work, and was very simple in what our purpose is here.  our purpose being invitar a las personas a venir a cristo al ayudarles a que reciben el restaurdo evangelio. Mediante la fe en Jesucristo y su expiacion, arrepentimiento, el bautismo, la recepcion del don del Espiritu Santo, y hasta el fin.  This is such a great and marvelous work, and I'm so grateful to be here and for all the support you, all of our family, and friends have given me.  I absolutely can't wait to get to Argentina and share this message, even though i'm not even close to ready, especially as far as espanol goes haha.  But keep pressing on at home, trusting in the Lord with all thy heart.  Yo se que Jesucristo vive, and he loves us.  One of my spiritual experiences of the week that I'd like to share with you happened a couple nights ago.  For class, my district and another district combined and taught each other a lesson.  Each Elder/Sister wrote down 3 needs on a piece of paper that they needed in their life right now.  Then, companionships switched papers and prepared lessons to help each other.  Elder Smart and I were taught by a couple Elders, Elder Gile and Elder Richins (going to california), and i can't describe the power of the spirit that was there.  They not only helped me with the 3 problems I wrote down, but with many more that I did not.  The spirit is the essential tool in this work, and that's the only way we are going to be able to help people.  I know I'm not going to know what exactly what someone needs in their life, but our Father in Heaven does. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all my heart.  I love you so much family, and I can't wait to hear from you again.  2 years is not that long, and I promise I'll do by best to serve my salvador at all times.  Elder Smart showed me a quote the other day when I was a little discouraged that really cheered me up, I'd like to share it with you:  "You can either complain that the roses have thorns, or thank God that the thorns have roses!"  haha i thought it was clever, and helped me to focus more optimistically.  Anyway, enough rambling and randomness, i'll write you again in a week.
          Love always,
           Elder Winger
p.s.  I saw an Elder that looked AND acted like Napoleon Dynamite yesterday.  Funniest thing ever.  Oh, and orange bowling down a carpeted hallway....not a good idea...especially when the orange explodes in someones room :) wasn't mine :)  CIAO!

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