This week was a fun one. Starting off on Monday, a crazy thunderstorm came
. It started just after we arrived at the pench. But wow, it was strong. I decided to hurry and change my clothes to shorts and a short sleeve shirt and get out there. It was the closest thing to swimming that I´ve experienced in the last 13 months. Combined with thunder and lightning, hailstones and rain bullets, i decided to risk my life by climbing on the roof and singing "The Spirit of God Like A Fire Is Burning". and that´s literally what i did. Just thrilling.
Also this week, a Part-Member family got Married!!!!!!!!! Daina and David are their names. Daina has been a member for a number of years, and has been living with David for 4 years i believe. David has been listening to the missionaries for the last 4 years, but getting married has always been the obstacle. Until now. They have 3 children, but are only 21 and 20 years old. The family is great and we love them to death....and they love us too. they better. Anyway, they were married on Friday, after the special couple showed up classicly almost 1 hour late. but married they were. David has his baptismal date for the 14 of April.
Also this week, in the "war at home" that we are literally having in the apartment, the enemy has changed from cockroaches and mosquito's to rats....lots of rats. We have been able to kill a few throughout the week, but you won´t believe what we found yesterday.....the hoo woo, the nest. in our house. As we were trying to kill a couple of rats throughout the week, we noticed that they were trying to hide under the stove, so we took cups and cups of boiling water and threw it underneath. it worked. But last night, we decided to move the stove to do a little bit of cleaning and......we found the remnants of at least 60 rats i believe.......incredible :) We won. I won´t send pictures because they are horrific.....but i did take pictures.
Ok, I think it´s time for a spiritual experience. I´ll tell you of the one that i had here on the way to the computer lab place. We were sitting on the bus, as we have done a million times, and i found myself sitting next to a tound man of about my same age, with a sweet beard, earrings, tattoos, the whole works. I was sitting there and decided to pull out my book of mormon to do a little bit of reading for the next 20 minute ride. As I began to read where i had left off, i had the thought/prompting to give the man next to me the book. I found myself finding excuses not to do it, saying that "its p-day" and stuff like that, and just kept reading. The prompting came again. weird. I decided to write a little message in the cover of the book, a simple testimony, and then i just sat there looking out the window. After a few minutes, I decided to say a little prayer to ask God if I needed to give the book to the man next to me. I decided to do the classic strategy of opening my book of mormon and reading the first verse i saw. I was astonished. It was 3 Nefi 11:33 (i know it´s in spanish here, so go grab your english scriptures and look.) "Y cualquiera que crea en mí, y sea abautizado, éste será bsalvo; y son ellos los que cheredarán el reino de Dios."
Soon after i read this scripture, the man got up to leave. I tapped him on the shoulder and said "hey, i want to give you this book" (i stuttered as i said it, because i found myself as surprised as he was, and the ten other people around us) He replied "no, no, it´s alright." (At this moment i´m thinking, hey sir, i´ve been doing this for quite some time now, and i don´t take no for an answer so easily
). I said, "please accept this book, it has changed my life." He said, "ok thanks." and went on his way. It was a good learning experience for me, doing what i feel i should do when i should do it.....and yeah, i simply said "hi" to all the other people that were awkwardly staring at me haha.
Anyway, that was my experience of the day. I love being a missionary for the Lord. It has changed my life. Walking everyday, meeting tons of new people, i have come to learn that there are MANY ways to live this life, but there is only 1 way to live it happily, and that´s by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It´s the way of happiness because it´s the way back home, back to our Father in Heaven. What a glorious message we have. And we should NEVER be scared, or hesitant, or nervous to share it with everyone and anyone. That´s what the Lord taught me today during a bus ride in Argentina.
I love you all, thank you so much for your prayers and support. I´m glad to hear that your birthday was amazing Mom. I love you so much, sorry i missed it. I also got a letter from Grandma and Luiza that I LOVED!!!!!!! Haha, if you could remind me of their email addresses, i´d love to send a little mensajito to them. Thanks.
Keep Safe. Keep the Faith.
Con Cariño, (y muchos besos)
Elder Winger