Hi hi hi!
Wow, it´s December. I can´t believe it´s already here. I absolutely
love the christmas season, even though it´s still weird to me that
it´s summer, but the spirit of the season is a special one. Thanks
for the update on the family! I´m happy to hear that everyone´s
keeping busy as usual and all are safe and sound. After all of these
projects that Dad´s doing, i can only imagine myself on the way home
from the airport, looking out the window and and having you pointing
to things on both sides of the rode and saying "and dad helped built
that, and did that, and helped fix that, and built that...." haha,
keep it up corn pops!
also, just to mention, tiffani has a "new boy" and i haven´t heard
anything about him? I´d love to hear the down low on what´s going on.
Glad to hear that Tiff´s still craze on the dating scene. But, i do
get a say on your selections tiff, that's a given.....i may be in kinda
"odd missionary mode" but my judgements are still in tune ;)
This week we had stake conference which was great. President
Giuliani and his wife had a chance to speak, as well as all the
members of the stake presidency. A message that I loved from the
stake president was on the topic "procrastination following a
conference." All saints must make the effort to apply the words and
councils of the Lord´s immediately after hearing them. By applying
the words to our lives, they help us to be more in tune with the
Lord´s will. But, as often is the case, with immediate application of
a principles and without setting goals, a "wise thought with good
intentions" simply stays that way, then fades away.
Maria, our investigator, broke her arm this week and was not able
to attend the conference with her husband, but our other investigator
German was able to make it. Entering the doors with his shirt, tie,
and suit coat, it was a flashy entrance. He enjoyed the conference
and currently has his baptismal date for the 29th.
I had an amazing experience this week on the blessing of the holy
ghost by keeping the commandments. Presidente Giuliani spoke to us on
the importance of obeying with exactness, and i strived to put the
council into actions, writing down a few rules that i at times struggle
to follow. Yesterday, as we were walking to an appointment with a
recent convert, i felt an impression as we reached the corner of a
block. I felt like we needed to knock a house. We kept walking,
walking, and walking, and as we walked the sensation grew stronger and
stronger, until finally at the last house on the block, i decided to
knock it. A lady answered the door, we presented ourselves, and we
quickly came to know that they had recently moved there from another
part of town. Her husband had been baptized a couple years ago, and
they had gone to the church together many times. The great part: she
invited us to come back in a few days :)
I know this is the work of the Lord. I know that Thomas S. Monson is
the Lord´s Prophet in these latter-days.
Thanks for everything!!! LOVE YOU
Elder Winger
Monday, December 3, 2012
On the Lord´s Errand 11/26/12 week 93
Hey family!
So today I had the chance to watch "on the lord´s errand", the
biography of Thomas S. Monson. What a incredible man. I know that he
is the Prophet of the Lord and his life example of selfless dedication
to helping others really touched me this morning. I can´t thank you
enough for raising me in the true gospel of Jesus Christ and for your
examples to me. I am so blessed!
This week we´ve had a little bit of struggles with disappearing
investigators and those who have simply lost interest, but President
Giuliani shared a scripture this week that has really been a great
motivator DyC 128:22:
Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and
not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your
hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth
into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to
the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which
would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners
shall go free.
María and Hector are continuing to come to church, 3 weeks in a row!!
It´s really a miracle to see the Lord´s power change people´s lives.
Also, the book of mormon is really doing it´s part in their
conversion. They told us at our last lesson "we don´t usually watch
tv, don´t like to read the newspaper, or any other reading material or
entertainment for that matter...but all we want to do is read this
book (pointing to the book of mormon), and this book (principles of
the gospel)."
Thanks for all your support and prayers!! I can´t wait to talk to you
on Christmas DAY!!!! Have a safe, yet very enjoyable week.
THANKSGIVING AT GRANDMAS!! send everyone my love.
Elder Winger
So today I had the chance to watch "on the lord´s errand", the
biography of Thomas S. Monson. What a incredible man. I know that he
is the Prophet of the Lord and his life example of selfless dedication
to helping others really touched me this morning. I can´t thank you
enough for raising me in the true gospel of Jesus Christ and for your
examples to me. I am so blessed!
This week we´ve had a little bit of struggles with disappearing
investigators and those who have simply lost interest, but President
Giuliani shared a scripture this week that has really been a great
motivator DyC 128:22:
Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and
not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your
hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth
into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to
the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which
would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners
shall go free.
María and Hector are continuing to come to church, 3 weeks in a row!!
It´s really a miracle to see the Lord´s power change people´s lives.
Also, the book of mormon is really doing it´s part in their
conversion. They told us at our last lesson "we don´t usually watch
tv, don´t like to read the newspaper, or any other reading material or
entertainment for that matter...but all we want to do is read this
book (pointing to the book of mormon), and this book (principles of
the gospel)."
Thanks for all your support and prayers!! I can´t wait to talk to you
on Christmas DAY!!!! Have a safe, yet very enjoyable week.
THANKSGIVING AT GRANDMAS!! send everyone my love.
Elder Winger
Thankgiving!!! = Happy birthday to Elder Paredes 11/19/12 Week 92
THANKSGIVING is just around the corner. Lucky for me my companions birthday is today, and for his present i bought him a delightful lunch. A big-mac combo meal. Haha, it´s not quite like thanksgiving at grandma´s house, but i´ll be eating plenty of food anyways :)
Today we received the announcement of new transfers! I´ll be remaining here in Azcuenaga for another transfer as zone leader. That´ll make it 9 months in 6 weeks. Haha, it´s quite a long time to be in one area, but i really do love it here and it´ll be fun to keep at it here. I think when i received the call to serve in the Rosario Argentina mission, the Lord literally meant only the city of Rosario. In 6 weeks i´ll have the achievement of 15 straight months here. hoo ra rosario.
This week was quite interesting! So sunday, i was expecting to be leaving this area to go to another, so i basically gave my farewells to all the members and investigators here, so i sent a few pictures of that....but i can´t wait to see the traumatized faces this sunday of everyone at church. Elder "the curse" Winger is here for another round. haha, they don´t actually call me that..... yet.
We had 2 investigators in church this sunday, Hector and Maria. When the Lord said that people are being prepared by angels to receive the gospel, he was telling the truth. This couple has come to church 2 weeks in a row, are reading the book of mormon, Teachings of George Albert Smith, Principles of the Gospel, and pamphlets of the commandments. When we pass by their house to teach a lesson, instead of asking them if they read and what they read, i ask "what didn´t you read?" They are an incredible family and have a baptismal date for the first week of January. In our last lesson, we talked about the book of mormon and left a pamphlet of the Word of Wisdom for them to read before our next visit. When we went by a couple of days later, before even starting the lesson, Hector told us that he was down to 1-2 cigarettes per day. We asked him, "how many were you smoking before" and he told us, "30." God is a God of miracles. And that leads me to the scripture of the week!
John 15:5 5 I am the avine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without bme ye can do nothing.
Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your aunbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have bfaith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this cmountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be dimpossible unto you.
Moroni 7:33 And Christ hath said: aIf ye will have bfaith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is cexpedient in me.
I know that faith is a principle of power. Thank you so much family for everything! I´m so grateful to hear that everything is doing well and i thank God everyday for your well being. I´m happy to hear about all the adventure planning going down (plenty of golf and family time) and it´ll be SO FUN. It means so much to have a family like mine. I wish you a fantastic week and, until the next, keep safe and happy.
Elder Winger
THANKSGIVING is just around the corner. Lucky for me my companions birthday is today, and for his present i bought him a delightful lunch. A big-mac combo meal. Haha, it´s not quite like thanksgiving at grandma´s house, but i´ll be eating plenty of food anyways :)
Today we received the announcement of new transfers! I´ll be remaining here in Azcuenaga for another transfer as zone leader. That´ll make it 9 months in 6 weeks. Haha, it´s quite a long time to be in one area, but i really do love it here and it´ll be fun to keep at it here. I think when i received the call to serve in the Rosario Argentina mission, the Lord literally meant only the city of Rosario. In 6 weeks i´ll have the achievement of 15 straight months here. hoo ra rosario.
This week was quite interesting! So sunday, i was expecting to be leaving this area to go to another, so i basically gave my farewells to all the members and investigators here, so i sent a few pictures of that....but i can´t wait to see the traumatized faces this sunday of everyone at church. Elder "the curse" Winger is here for another round. haha, they don´t actually call me that..... yet.
We had 2 investigators in church this sunday, Hector and Maria. When the Lord said that people are being prepared by angels to receive the gospel, he was telling the truth. This couple has come to church 2 weeks in a row, are reading the book of mormon, Teachings of George Albert Smith, Principles of the Gospel, and pamphlets of the commandments. When we pass by their house to teach a lesson, instead of asking them if they read and what they read, i ask "what didn´t you read?" They are an incredible family and have a baptismal date for the first week of January. In our last lesson, we talked about the book of mormon and left a pamphlet of the Word of Wisdom for them to read before our next visit. When we went by a couple of days later, before even starting the lesson, Hector told us that he was down to 1-2 cigarettes per day. We asked him, "how many were you smoking before" and he told us, "30." God is a God of miracles. And that leads me to the scripture of the week!
John 15:5 5 I am the avine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without bme ye can do nothing.
Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your aunbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have bfaith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this cmountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be dimpossible unto you.
Moroni 7:33 And Christ hath said: aIf ye will have bfaith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is cexpedient in me.
I know that faith is a principle of power. Thank you so much family for everything! I´m so grateful to hear that everything is doing well and i thank God everyday for your well being. I´m happy to hear about all the adventure planning going down (plenty of golf and family time) and it´ll be SO FUN. It means so much to have a family like mine. I wish you a fantastic week and, until the next, keep safe and happy.
Elder Winger
2 Vs 5. 11/12/12 Week 91
Hey family!
It looks like a sweet home alabama afterall. Thanks for sending the pictures, it looks like everyone had a fun time! And with Thanksgiving right around the corner, all the time is family time haha.
Things are going fantastic here in Argentina. We had the blessing of having a few new faces in church this Sunday. A couple named Maria and Hector. (the couple that had EVERYTHING happen to them as soon as we started coming by....i think i told you about them...) but yeah, they came to all 3 hours of church on Sunday and loved it. Yesterday we also passed by the house of a family with 6 kids, all at 6 years old or younger. A really great family and they have a baptismal date for the beginning of January (because they say they are going to be really busy in December, so we will see) but after the lesson we went out onto the patio in front of the house and played 2 vs 5 soccer (my companion and i against "minions" as i called them) we lost. by a lot. But everything is going well, just doing our best to share this marvelous message with everyone right?
I'm continuing to enjoy this experience of being a missionary, through thick and thin :) I have learned so much in the past 21 months (wow) and it is a privilege to be able to tell people everyday that Christ lives and his church has been restored. I love you all so much, thanks for your prayers and encouraging words!!! Keep on keepin on.
Elder Winger
Scripture of the week: 2 Nefi 33:10-11
Tis the season! 11/05/12 Week 90
hey hey hey fam!
As the holiday season approaches, we are preparing ourselves for a successful, yet toasty summer. we are currently at around 93 degrees or so with time to spare :) Hopefully my skin will turn itself brown instead of burn haha i wouldn´t mind tanning a little bit.
So this week was interesting, we had our monthly zone leaders meeting at the mission home, and President had just recently returned from a mission president´s convention where Elder Oaks, Elder Bednar, and Elder Hallstrom were present. It was a powerful experience to hear President´s remarks about the meeting and it´s always motivating to hear the support and counsel from the leaders of the church. I´m in a really interesting point of my mission as my feelings, desires, and thoughts are swirling around. The time is beginning to wind down but there is always so much to do! This past week i really took the time to enjoy, which sometimes is hard to remember to do in life haha. Anyways, i´d like to share a scripture with you!
Scripture of the week: Doctrine and Covenants 33:3, 16-18
3 For behold, the afield is bwhite already to harvest; and it is the celeventh hour, and the last time that I shall call dlaborers into my vineyard.
16 And the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given of me for your ainstruction; and the power of my bSpirit cquickeneth all things.
17 Wherefore, be faithful, praying always, having your alamps btrimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be cready at the coming of the dBridegroom—
18 For behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that I acome quickly. Even so. Amen.
it has never been more evident, neither more important, to prepare ourselves for the approaching, second coming of the Savior. I know the reading and applying the book of mormon and scriptures are essential in helping us to "trim our lamps" and prepare ourselves for the day.
I love the Lord and his glorious work. I know this is his church and his kingdom and that Jesus Christ will come again.
Hope you have an incredible week and keep safe!!!! Love you so much and miss you.
Elder Winger
As the holiday season approaches, we are preparing ourselves for a successful, yet toasty summer. we are currently at around 93 degrees or so with time to spare :) Hopefully my skin will turn itself brown instead of burn haha i wouldn´t mind tanning a little bit.
So this week was interesting, we had our monthly zone leaders meeting at the mission home, and President had just recently returned from a mission president´s convention where Elder Oaks, Elder Bednar, and Elder Hallstrom were present. It was a powerful experience to hear President´s remarks about the meeting and it´s always motivating to hear the support and counsel from the leaders of the church. I´m in a really interesting point of my mission as my feelings, desires, and thoughts are swirling around. The time is beginning to wind down but there is always so much to do! This past week i really took the time to enjoy, which sometimes is hard to remember to do in life haha. Anyways, i´d like to share a scripture with you!
Scripture of the week: Doctrine and Covenants 33:3, 16-18
3 For behold, the afield is bwhite already to harvest; and it is the celeventh hour, and the last time that I shall call dlaborers into my vineyard.
16 And the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given of me for your ainstruction; and the power of my bSpirit cquickeneth all things.
17 Wherefore, be faithful, praying always, having your alamps btrimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be cready at the coming of the dBridegroom—
18 For behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that I acome quickly. Even so. Amen.
it has never been more evident, neither more important, to prepare ourselves for the approaching, second coming of the Savior. I know the reading and applying the book of mormon and scriptures are essential in helping us to "trim our lamps" and prepare ourselves for the day.
I love the Lord and his glorious work. I know this is his church and his kingdom and that Jesus Christ will come again.
Hope you have an incredible week and keep safe!!!! Love you so much and miss you.
Elder Winger
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Busy busy 10/29/12 Week 89
Hey Fam!
Well it always seems like things get the busiest towards the end of the month haha, so i might not have to much time to write today. But it was a great week! A couple of highlights were that Germán and his wife margarita (who´s in a wheelchair) came to church on Sunday!! They have come A LONG WAYS since we first met them a few months ago. Also this week , we knocked the door of a house and a lady came out with her son. She asked where we were from, and when i told her i was from the united states she said , "Oh wow! We absolutely love movies from the united states!" then she looked at her son and said "look son, he´s from the united states. Look how normal he is. Can´t you see now that they are NORMAL PEOPLE ?" hahaha it was way funny. I also showed them the family pictures i have, and they thought that Casey in his graduation photo was taken at Hogwarts.
Thanks for your thoughts and your prayers, i love you all so much!!
Scripture of the week: Proverbs 4:7. Always have scripture study first on your daily to-do list!
Elder Winger
Well it always seems like things get the busiest towards the end of the month haha, so i might not have to much time to write today. But it was a great week! A couple of highlights were that Germán and his wife margarita (who´s in a wheelchair) came to church on Sunday!! They have come A LONG WAYS since we first met them a few months ago. Also this week , we knocked the door of a house and a lady came out with her son. She asked where we were from, and when i told her i was from the united states she said , "Oh wow! We absolutely love movies from the united states!" then she looked at her son and said "look son, he´s from the united states. Look how normal he is. Can´t you see now that they are NORMAL PEOPLE ?" hahaha it was way funny. I also showed them the family pictures i have, and they thought that Casey in his graduation photo was taken at Hogwarts.
Thanks for your thoughts and your prayers, i love you all so much!!
Scripture of the week: Proverbs 4:7. Always have scripture study first on your daily to-do list!
Elder Winger
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Mother´s Day Encore 10/22/12 Week 88
As I think of this week, this classic primary hit comes to mind "primary children sang as they walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, aaandddd wwwaaalllkkeedd." Haha, but truly, it was a marvelous week.
On Friday I had the opportunity of doing "divisiones" with the assistents to the president (change companions for a day), and i learned a bunch! Unfortuantely, me and my companion began working in the pooring rain...without an umbrella. Fortunately we found mercy with a member from the ward there and were able to enter the house, share a message, receive referencias, and even eat birthday cake leftovers :). Followed by a wonderful asado (argentine barbecue) at the mission home under sunny skies. the weather is. psycho. always. But it´s always fun to go to new areas, see new streets, meet new people. and i even got to ride co-pilot in the mssion van. stylin.
I learned a lot as well about the importance of working with members. We´ve been really focused on gaining an even stronger relationship this week with the members and fortunately we received 29 referencias of people that live in the area! Yay! But, more than just gaining a better relationship with the members, i learned about how important it really is that everyone shares the gospel. there´s a scripture in Dyc 38:40-42 that says:
40 And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a commandment, that every man, both elder, priest, teacher, and also member, go to with his might, with the alabor of his bhands, to prepare and accomplish the things which I have commanded.
As I think of this week, this classic primary hit comes to mind "primary children sang as they walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, aaandddd wwwaaalllkkeedd." Haha, but truly, it was a marvelous week.
On Friday I had the opportunity of doing "divisiones" with the assistents to the president (change companions for a day), and i learned a bunch! Unfortuantely, me and my companion began working in the pooring rain...without an umbrella. Fortunately we found mercy with a member from the ward there and were able to enter the house, share a message, receive referencias, and even eat birthday cake leftovers :). Followed by a wonderful asado (argentine barbecue) at the mission home under sunny skies. the weather is. psycho. always. But it´s always fun to go to new areas, see new streets, meet new people. and i even got to ride co-pilot in the mssion van. stylin.
I learned a lot as well about the importance of working with members. We´ve been really focused on gaining an even stronger relationship this week with the members and fortunately we received 29 referencias of people that live in the area! Yay! But, more than just gaining a better relationship with the members, i learned about how important it really is that everyone shares the gospel. there´s a scripture in Dyc 38:40-42 that says:
40 And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a commandment, that every man, both elder, priest, teacher, and also member, go to with his might, with the alabor of his bhands, to prepare and accomplish the things which I have commanded.
41 And let your apreaching be the bwarning voice, every man to his neighbor, in mildness and in cmeekness.
42 And go ye aout from among the bwicked. Save yourselves. Be ye cclean that bear the vessels of the Lord. Even so. Amen.
What a blessing it is to live on the earth with the fullness of the gospel. Day after Day, trying to share this glorious message with God´s children, i´ve come to realize that 2 years just isn´t enough. Being a missionary is a lifetime pursuit! I am so grateful for your examples and testimonies, and don´t forget to give a copy of the book of mormon out to a non-member every once in a while eh? ;) Ok.
Enough of me, Fantastic news i´ve heard! First of all, fall weather in utah! definitely something to be missed. Glad to hear that the family has been able to get together and hang out! Sounds like a great trip is planned in the coming week as well to ALABAMA. I had a missionary in my zone last transfer that had served for 6 weeks in Alabama before coming here to Argentina. When I asked him about Alabama he replied, "I love black people:" hahaha. just sayin. Hope you have a great trip!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE. I totally forgot i even liked huckleberries. It was a tasty treat. Today I found myself once again in the kitchen whippin up some pancakes. A few of us Elders got together to watch 17 miracles (again) and eat pancakes. An enjoyable p-day indeed.
Also tell Grandma Carma y Richard THANKS FOR THE DEAR ELDER PACKAGE! Me and my companion ate all of the cookies inside in 24 hours minus 23 hours. mmmmmmm thanks!
We have been blessed this past week with finding some new people to teach, so keep your fingers crossed that we can help them receive the gospel! I´m really enjoying being here, and am sad at how fast time is flying by! As dad wrote me in his email, it is certain that there are still plenty of things to do here.
Thanks mom for your testimony and for the quote. You´ve always been an inspiration for me. as well as dad. as well as the whole family. I´m so blessed! Hope you enjoy this week, and have a fun halloween! Until next week! LOVE YOU.
Elder Winger
Quote of the week! : When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.
p.s. Yesterday was Mother´s Day in Argentina......it´s the only country that has mother´s day on a different date than in may......so Happy Mother´s Day Mom!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
One of my greatest weaknesses: Running 10/15/12 Week 87
HEY FAM! Here here here i am, just enjoying life! I´m feeling a little bit on the droopy-eyes-muscle-aching-body-degenerating side of things, but all is well! all is well. Today we enjoyed a p-day running our socks off in a 90 minute soccer match. Alright, you´d think that i would be in more-or-less decent shape at least by walking everyday, but 5 minutes on a soccer field or any form of manual labor. toasted. It was fun playing, especially since we played on turf again like last week, but this time on another field that´s indoor because it´s raining today. And just to add to that, we also were chased by a ferocious 5 pound dog today (running required.) Unforunately my zone didn´t have such a hot week this week as far as the work goes, but everyone´s happy and out working hard...what more to be asked? I have been having a great time and have received an incredible ammount of help here in this area from the Lord. When it seems that the work isn´t moving forward as fast as i would like, at least i know that the work is moving forward! Oh, what a marvelous work it truly is. Oh, before i forget, General Conference was fabulous. We had the blessing of having 4 investigators attend. What greater spiritual experience can one have then to hear the Prophet and Apostles of God. Love love loved it. I also can´t wait until it comes out in the Liahona so that i can read them again. It really was an inspired conference. And yes, pretty crazy with the whole age change thing! I´m going to get home and everyone between 18-21 are going to be on missions haha, male and female. So, i´m becoming quite the cook. I was able to whip out "Ñoquis" today as a special treat. What is a ñoqui you may ask? Well, it is basically dough rolled out in mini bean-shaped forms, boiled, and served with salsa. and don´t forget to throw a pitcher of "TANG" on the side. I know, it sounds delicious. and it was delicious. Everything is going well with our investigators. We are still working with Germán because he likes the church he´s attending and our church at the same time. he reads the book of mormon a lot, came to the conference, and always loves our lessons....but he stills feels obligated to go to his evangelist church for now. But he has come a long ways and the spirit is definitely working miracles in him, so I have the sure faith that he´s going to pull through for the winning team soon. Estela, our other investigator, had quite the rollercoaster week last week. We had an amazing lesson with her about the atonement and repentance, she went to general conference, is preparing for baptism, when all of a sudden she lost her jam. Wham-bummer. But, that was last week. She has been telling us all week that she knows that happened to her because the Lord has better plans in store for her. And sure enough, she texted us last night to say that she has a job interview tomorrow. HOORAY! So yeah, Her faith is incredible and the Lord is taking care of her for us. Well, now that I robbed a bunch of time from you, i´ll now let you go. Thank you so much for your prayers and for sharing your experiences from the other side of the world. I´m so grateful that our family will be eternal. I miss you so so so much, and i look at your photos probably a little too often. Just know that you got someone pulling for ya in Argentina. WITH LOVE! Elder Winger
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A wet one 10/09/12 Week 86
Hey family!
Wow talk about tons of news! Yeah, we couldn´t believe the change in
age for serving a mission either. It´s pretty crazy! I´m not sure if
i´ll still be out here to see 18 and 19 year olds, but we´ll see.
And Yes, I would love to go to the Hill Cumorah Pageant with Tiffani.
I´m definitely looking forward to plenty of family time haha. So
yeah, book me a seat!!
It sounds like you have all had an adventurous couple of weeks!
Traveling the globe haha. I´m excited to see all the pictures and
hear the stories!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!! Save me a slice of cake alright....or you can
just buy me one in four months haha. and Nixon as well! He´s already
turning one, that´s incredible! happy birthday bud! I miss you, and
i don´t even know you yet haha.
This week was a fun one!! The Lord has definitely making changes in
my life and has helped me see his miracles take place in the lives of
others. I´ve seen little miracles this week that have proved to me
that for every commandment and law obeyed, a blessing is given. For
example, we were able to go to the saturday session of conference if
we brought investigators. My companion and I went to the session,
expecting 2-3 investigators to meet us there. As the conference
began, neither of the 3 had shown up. After staying through 3 talks,
with 0 investigators there, I was faced with a choice. "Well, I AM in
General Conference for pete´s sake, and we are going to show up at the
2nd session with investigators......it´s not bad if we just stay
through the rest of this session, we are far from our area anyways.
As that thought in my mind finished, the prompting came that that
wasn´t the right decision. Having had that same now recognizable
prompting of the holy ghost touch me, and having acted upon it at
times and other times not, i knew what i needed to do. I told my
companion, and we left to our area. We didn´t have many plans, so we
decided to knock a few doors. After knocking 2-3-4 and not seeing
success, we knocked another. A lady came out and we presented
ourselves. She replied by saying "i was just talking with a man about
you 2 boys yesterday, what a coincidence that you´re here. I was
intrigued as the man was telling me about a book of yours, but you 2
have never passed by my house. What are you sharing? (In my mind I
was like: Oh- My- Gosh). We gave her a copy of the book of mormon and
we are going to pass by this week. That´s the story of the week. As
we obey, we are blessed.
Everything is going well! Today for p-day we played soccer on
sythentic turf (first time in 20 months!), and i bought yet another
pair of shoes........i guess it was worth it ;).
Anyways, glad to hear that everyone is doing fantastic. Enjoy your week!
Scripture: Doctrine and covenants 130:20-21
Elder Winger
Wow talk about tons of news! Yeah, we couldn´t believe the change in
age for serving a mission either. It´s pretty crazy! I´m not sure if
i´ll still be out here to see 18 and 19 year olds, but we´ll see.
And Yes, I would love to go to the Hill Cumorah Pageant with Tiffani.
I´m definitely looking forward to plenty of family time haha. So
yeah, book me a seat!!
It sounds like you have all had an adventurous couple of weeks!
Traveling the globe haha. I´m excited to see all the pictures and
hear the stories!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!! Save me a slice of cake alright....or you can
just buy me one in four months haha. and Nixon as well! He´s already
turning one, that´s incredible! happy birthday bud! I miss you, and
i don´t even know you yet haha.
This week was a fun one!! The Lord has definitely making changes in
my life and has helped me see his miracles take place in the lives of
others. I´ve seen little miracles this week that have proved to me
that for every commandment and law obeyed, a blessing is given. For
example, we were able to go to the saturday session of conference if
we brought investigators. My companion and I went to the session,
expecting 2-3 investigators to meet us there. As the conference
began, neither of the 3 had shown up. After staying through 3 talks,
with 0 investigators there, I was faced with a choice. "Well, I AM in
General Conference for pete´s sake, and we are going to show up at the
2nd session with investigators......it´s not bad if we just stay
through the rest of this session, we are far from our area anyways.
As that thought in my mind finished, the prompting came that that
wasn´t the right decision. Having had that same now recognizable
prompting of the holy ghost touch me, and having acted upon it at
times and other times not, i knew what i needed to do. I told my
companion, and we left to our area. We didn´t have many plans, so we
decided to knock a few doors. After knocking 2-3-4 and not seeing
success, we knocked another. A lady came out and we presented
ourselves. She replied by saying "i was just talking with a man about
you 2 boys yesterday, what a coincidence that you´re here. I was
intrigued as the man was telling me about a book of yours, but you 2
have never passed by my house. What are you sharing? (In my mind I
was like: Oh- My- Gosh). We gave her a copy of the book of mormon and
we are going to pass by this week. That´s the story of the week. As
we obey, we are blessed.
Everything is going well! Today for p-day we played soccer on
sythentic turf (first time in 20 months!), and i bought yet another
pair of shoes........i guess it was worth it ;).
Anyways, glad to hear that everyone is doing fantastic. Enjoy your week!
Scripture: Doctrine and covenants 130:20-21
Elder Winger
I held an owl 10/01/12 Week 85
Hey Family!
So we´ve been pretty swamped this week! We´ve done a lot of traveling to other areas to do "divisiones" and plenty of zone leader stuff has definitely made yet another week pass by. I´m lovin the work, but p-day always arrives just. in. time.
So Emanuel came to church this Sunday! He has a baptismal date for the 20th of this month and everything is going smooth. We are hungry to baptize :)
A miracle that happened this week was with a less-active man named Andres. I´m not sure if i already told you about him, but he´s been less-active for a really really long time. When i met him a fwhile ago (by the way, he is one of the funniest people i´ve met haha) he was drinking a lot, was mad at god for things that had happened in his life, and didn´t want to listen to us preach, nothing. A few weeks ago we shared with him what the book of mormon is and why it´s important. To make a long story short, he´s attended church the last 3 sundays, is reading in 2nd nephi, and he´s been drinking juice everytime we have passed by. He even wore a buttoned up shirt on sunday. The book of mormon changes lives.
Another funny story: I went to a city named Casilda this week, and while we were working, we stopped by the house of a member who was going to accompany us to a visit. When i walked in, there sitting on a post was an owl. a pet owl. But this time i got to hold it and pet it and everything haha, it was awesome.....definitely looking for one in the future. As we were traveling in the members car, i was pretty startled. It´s a dramatic change from going 3 miles per hour walking speed to 130 kilometers per hour in a car. at night. It was quite the adventure haha, me and my companion had a good laugh/stress relief chat afterwards.
Anyways, i hope that everyone is doing well! We are coming in on 4 months left, can´t believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all and miss you more everyday!.....but i´m working, no worries.
Elder Winger
So we´ve been pretty swamped this week! We´ve done a lot of traveling to other areas to do "divisiones" and plenty of zone leader stuff has definitely made yet another week pass by. I´m lovin the work, but p-day always arrives just. in. time.
So Emanuel came to church this Sunday! He has a baptismal date for the 20th of this month and everything is going smooth. We are hungry to baptize :)
A miracle that happened this week was with a less-active man named Andres. I´m not sure if i already told you about him, but he´s been less-active for a really really long time. When i met him a fwhile ago (by the way, he is one of the funniest people i´ve met haha) he was drinking a lot, was mad at god for things that had happened in his life, and didn´t want to listen to us preach, nothing. A few weeks ago we shared with him what the book of mormon is and why it´s important. To make a long story short, he´s attended church the last 3 sundays, is reading in 2nd nephi, and he´s been drinking juice everytime we have passed by. He even wore a buttoned up shirt on sunday. The book of mormon changes lives.
Another funny story: I went to a city named Casilda this week, and while we were working, we stopped by the house of a member who was going to accompany us to a visit. When i walked in, there sitting on a post was an owl. a pet owl. But this time i got to hold it and pet it and everything haha, it was awesome.....definitely looking for one in the future. As we were traveling in the members car, i was pretty startled. It´s a dramatic change from going 3 miles per hour walking speed to 130 kilometers per hour in a car. at night. It was quite the adventure haha, me and my companion had a good laugh/stress relief chat afterwards.
Anyways, i hope that everyone is doing well! We are coming in on 4 months left, can´t believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all and miss you more everyday!.....but i´m working, no worries.
Elder Winger
HEYYYYY! 09/24/12 Week 84
1 Thessalonians 5: 21 aProve all things; hold fast that which is good.
My testimony of the book of mormon is now one that i "hold fast" to and will never let go, neither shall i allow it to diminish. As I study it daily, i continue to strengthen my testimony and "hold fast" to it. I know it is the word of God, and it has brought me closer to him and Jesus Christ. But, only by properly "proving it" are we able to come to know, just as any other. The promise given by Moroni (Moroni 10:3-5) is one that can be frequently renewed and retested in order to strengthen that spiritual testimony and help us "hold fast" to all that which is good, which is God. We don´t need to prove to the world that the Book of Mormon is true...it´s its own proof!
This week was fantastic! We had a meeting with President Giuliani and our Stake Presdient in order to talk about the status of the stake. We have a grand goal to complete by working more with the members of the wards, and Elder Paredes and I have seen success thus far! We gave a baptismal date to a man named Emmanuel this week, who is the neighbor of a member- family, we are going to be teaching the neighbor of our bishop this week, and we are teaching Estela, who is the friend of a few of the members of the ward. I have definitely learned that the best way to do missionary work is to not do it alone....but with members! Also, another powerful experience that I had during the meeting was just as we were about to leave, the Stake President grabbed my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and among one of the things he said was "What you have in your hands is the truth." As I have reflected for the past few days on that comment, I have become more and more grateful for all those who have given and raised me in this gospel. We have the truth, and unfortunately we are few. I know that their are many many people searching for the truth, but simply don´t know where to find it. It´s a privilege to search for those people, and I know that we can all make the effort to share the gospel with those around us who don´t have it, or who have simply wandered from the path.
I´m glad to here that everyone is doing so well! I´m so grateful that the Lord has watched over us so much. I hope you all have an amazing week! Let your light shine
Oh, and mom, I received my credit card so you can activate it.....and i could also use a few pairs of socks :) :) Love you!
Elder Winger
My testimony of the book of mormon is now one that i "hold fast" to and will never let go, neither shall i allow it to diminish. As I study it daily, i continue to strengthen my testimony and "hold fast" to it. I know it is the word of God, and it has brought me closer to him and Jesus Christ. But, only by properly "proving it" are we able to come to know, just as any other. The promise given by Moroni (Moroni 10:3-5) is one that can be frequently renewed and retested in order to strengthen that spiritual testimony and help us "hold fast" to all that which is good, which is God. We don´t need to prove to the world that the Book of Mormon is true...it´s its own proof!
This week was fantastic! We had a meeting with President Giuliani and our Stake Presdient in order to talk about the status of the stake. We have a grand goal to complete by working more with the members of the wards, and Elder Paredes and I have seen success thus far! We gave a baptismal date to a man named Emmanuel this week, who is the neighbor of a member- family, we are going to be teaching the neighbor of our bishop this week, and we are teaching Estela, who is the friend of a few of the members of the ward. I have definitely learned that the best way to do missionary work is to not do it alone....but with members! Also, another powerful experience that I had during the meeting was just as we were about to leave, the Stake President grabbed my shoulder, looked me in the eyes and among one of the things he said was "What you have in your hands is the truth." As I have reflected for the past few days on that comment, I have become more and more grateful for all those who have given and raised me in this gospel. We have the truth, and unfortunately we are few. I know that their are many many people searching for the truth, but simply don´t know where to find it. It´s a privilege to search for those people, and I know that we can all make the effort to share the gospel with those around us who don´t have it, or who have simply wandered from the path.
I´m glad to here that everyone is doing so well! I´m so grateful that the Lord has watched over us so much. I hope you all have an amazing week! Let your light shine
Oh, and mom, I received my credit card so you can activate it.....and i could also use a few pairs of socks :) :) Love you!
Elder Winger
Top o` the mornin' 09/17/12 Week 83
Top o` the mornin,
So, everything from sweet dogs herding sheep and chillin at the boise broncos stadium to antique cars and North Carolina. Sounds like the best week anyone could have! So the work is going along just fantastic. Love my area, my comp, the people, the gospel, it´s a fun time. We are scratchin and clawing for new investigators (figuratively) but the blessings always outweigh the troubles (which are also blessings, as Elder Eyring taught). Germán came to church on Sunday and attended Sacrament Meeting. He was looking pretty studly in his white shirt, slicked hair, and pressed pants. Luckily that day we had Ward Conference, so the Stake Presidente and his Counselors addressed us.......I´m pretty sure that Germán was super lossed with everything, since the topic of the day was "temples" something that we haven´t even mentioned yet. So, he probably didn´t understand anything, but he really enjoyed the meeting, (aka, felt the spirit, yeah!) so we will be visiting him throughout this week.
Have you seen the movie "17 miracles??" IT¨S INCREDIBLE. Today my comp and I bought like 4 kilos of fruit and a pizza, sat on our beds, and watched it. Nothing like p-day and a movie. Over 5 inches of low definition with surround sound. Classic.
My scriptural insight of the week can be found in Mormon 8:1-4. It´s incredible seeing the grand testimony that Moroni has of the Lord and of the record that he´s finishing.
1 Behold I, aMoroni, do finish the brecord of my father, Mormon. Behold, I have but few things to write, which things I have been commanded by my father.
2 And now it came to pass that after the agreat and tremendous battle at Cumorah, behold, the Nephites who had escaped into the country southward were hunted by the bLamanites, until they were all destroyed.
3 And my father also was killed by them, and I even aremain baloneto write the sad tale of the destruction of my people. But behold, they are gone, and I fulfil the commandment of my father. And whether they will slay me, I know not.
4 Therefore I will write and ahide up the records in the earth; and whither I go it mattereth not.
Asking ourselves the question "What would Moroni want us to do with the Book of Mormon today?" Putting the record as more important than his own life. Uncertain of his future, he demonstrates faithfulness to the commandments of God. I know that he would want each of us to share this book with others. Our friends, neighbors, and acquaintences, for all have need to come unto Christ. I´m so grateful for the Prophets of the Book of Mormon and all faithful saint that has shared this marvelous gospel. I know the book is true, and I know that it is evidence of so much more, including the restoration of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mom, you could just put maple syrup and whatever else in the box, i´m a fan of surprises :)
I still haven´t recieved my card.....but i´ll be looking into that.
Elder Seger is still in the mission until November.....but is waiting anxiously for March haha.
Thanks so much for everything and be safe this week!! I love my family so much!! I miss you tons tons tons and can´t wait to see you. Until then, the work moves forward.
Elder Winger
p.s. The pictures are from today when we watched 17 miracles and our bathroom.....we have a problem with having like a million flies. We used a whole can of Raid to kill them....but they obviously aren´t dead.....pff, why does it always have to be THE BATHROOM????
Let us all press on 09/10/12 Week 82
Hey Everyone!
So this week was just awesome. First of all, on Wednesday we had mission council and Elder Viñas from the area seventy came to speak to us. It´s amazing the spirit that the authorities of the church have. He pretty much filled my spiritual gas tank all the way full and now we have some newly renovated motivation to go out and work. This week, unforunately, was one of those weeks where, well, many unfortunate things happen (appointments which aren´t kept, emergency transferes, mosquitoes....) but we keep going forward. joyfully :) One thing Elder Viñas told us is that in times of trial you can either "suffer with joy" or just "suffer" -which is just awful, he added haha. Life is full of trials, but what joy and hope we have that Christ has overcome the world.
Also this week we had the privilege of viewing the rededication of the Buenos Aires Temple after 3 years of being closed. Twas incredible. Elder Eyring came to perform the rededication and he was accompanied by Elders M. Russell Ballard and D. Todd Christofferson. I´m so happy for the people here of argentina who have been hungering desperately for this day. It was an emotional day for everyone, and i know that the work will push forth even more fervently.
One of our investigators, Germán, is doing well! He read 10 chapters from the book of mormon between our 1st and 2nd visit, so we are excited to keep helping him move forward!
The weather here is also starting to warm up. We had a few rainy days this last week, overall it´s been beautiful weather.
Mom, if you send a package....don´t forget maple syrup :) and im still waiting for my debit card. I´ll let you know when it arrives.
Sorry im not that great of an email writer, but thanks so much for your prayers and support. Family, I love you so much. thanks for raising me in this gospel and for allowing me to serve the Lord.
Elder Winger
Scripture:John 15:10
So this week was just awesome. First of all, on Wednesday we had mission council and Elder Viñas from the area seventy came to speak to us. It´s amazing the spirit that the authorities of the church have. He pretty much filled my spiritual gas tank all the way full and now we have some newly renovated motivation to go out and work. This week, unforunately, was one of those weeks where, well, many unfortunate things happen (appointments which aren´t kept, emergency transferes, mosquitoes....) but we keep going forward. joyfully :) One thing Elder Viñas told us is that in times of trial you can either "suffer with joy" or just "suffer" -which is just awful, he added haha. Life is full of trials, but what joy and hope we have that Christ has overcome the world.
Also this week we had the privilege of viewing the rededication of the Buenos Aires Temple after 3 years of being closed. Twas incredible. Elder Eyring came to perform the rededication and he was accompanied by Elders M. Russell Ballard and D. Todd Christofferson. I´m so happy for the people here of argentina who have been hungering desperately for this day. It was an emotional day for everyone, and i know that the work will push forth even more fervently.
One of our investigators, Germán, is doing well! He read 10 chapters from the book of mormon between our 1st and 2nd visit, so we are excited to keep helping him move forward!
The weather here is also starting to warm up. We had a few rainy days this last week, overall it´s been beautiful weather.
Mom, if you send a package....don´t forget maple syrup :) and im still waiting for my debit card. I´ll let you know when it arrives.
Sorry im not that great of an email writer, but thanks so much for your prayers and support. Family, I love you so much. thanks for raising me in this gospel and for allowing me to serve the Lord.
Elder Winger
Scripture:John 15:10
What a Week 09/03/12 Week 81
Hey Fam!
So this week has been super psycho!!!! My new companion is Elder
Miguel Paredes from Concepción, Chile. He´s a stud and we get along
really well. He is a way hard worker and strives to be super
obedient, and so we are going to be killing it this transfer!!! We
have had tons of papers to fill out and we are just basically putting
things in order in the area in order to work more effectively, so
we´ve been a little stressed......but a good "work hard" kind ha.
Anyway, this sunday we will be going to the stake center to watch the
rededication of the buenos aires temple! We are all way excited!
Also, this wednesday we have our monthly Mission Council with all the
zone leaders and Elder Viñas from the 70 will be in
attendance....We´ll see if i walk out in one piece!! Haha, anyway,
glad to hear everyone is doing well...things should be a little more
calm next week so i´ll make sure to write a more fulfilling email ;)
Love you so much and thanks for your prayers and support!
Love, Elder Winger
Scripture: 3 Nefi 27:21
So this week has been super psycho!!!! My new companion is Elder
Miguel Paredes from Concepción, Chile. He´s a stud and we get along
really well. He is a way hard worker and strives to be super
obedient, and so we are going to be killing it this transfer!!! We
have had tons of papers to fill out and we are just basically putting
things in order in the area in order to work more effectively, so
we´ve been a little stressed......but a good "work hard" kind ha.
Anyway, this sunday we will be going to the stake center to watch the
rededication of the buenos aires temple! We are all way excited!
Also, this wednesday we have our monthly Mission Council with all the
zone leaders and Elder Viñas from the 70 will be in
attendance....We´ll see if i walk out in one piece!! Haha, anyway,
glad to hear everyone is doing well...things should be a little more
calm next week so i´ll make sure to write a more fulfilling email ;)
Love you so much and thanks for your prayers and support!
Love, Elder Winger
Scripture: 3 Nefi 27:21
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Another School Year Begins 08/28/12 Week 80
So I´ll be staying here in Azcuenaga as zone leader for another transfer and my new companion will be Elder Paredes. I´ve heard good things so i´ll let you know how it goes with the new fella.
Wow, talk about tons of weddings! Make sure to say congrats to them for me!
As far as the work goes here, its a little bit on the slow side, but only for a small moment. We have 1 investigador that has a baptismal date for the 22 of September. His name is Elias and we are going to be working really hard with him so he makes it!
Thats super cool that the Brigham City temple is already going to be opening! wow, you´ll have to send me pictures of it! I heard it´s a smaller version of the salt lake temple kind of style, sounds shweet. Here on the 9th of September the Buenos Aires Temple will be rededicated, so everyone is pretty excited for that as well. We´ll be watching it by satelite transmission at the stake center.
As far as the packages go, my watch got here safe and sound. Thanks mom! I´m also still waiting for the debit card, but it might just be chilling out in the mission home, so hopefully i´ll be getting it rather sooner than later. As far as another package that will be sent.......i would love a bunch of random seasonings (for meats, ranch, barbecue sauce, gravy, taco seasoning, garlic salt, etc), another pair of basketball shorts, socks are always welcome. Thanks for always sending stuff mom! I really really appreciate it! I´d love to send stuff back as well but its just so expensive and the prices continue to rise!
As far as the temple in Cordoba....i´m honestly not sure of the progress. I´m not sure if they have started yet due to the fact that they have been working on finishing the buenos aires temple.
Anyway, everything is going good! Sounds like a little bit of everything is going on in the family! tell casey and kari to take shelter and be safe, and its good to hear the dad is home enjoy a well deserved rest. Tell Tiffani good luck with speech pahtogly....apahgey.....pathgolgy..... :)
Love you all and have a great week!
Elder Winger
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Mishhhh update 08/21/12 Week 79
Hey fam!
When i opened up my letter for this week, i had no idea who "Robert Redford" was, but i guess that´s cool that you sang happy birthday to him haha. After a little bit of research, i now know who he is no worries.
Mom, thanks for sending my debit card, and yes i did receive your package with girl scout cookies and all. Luved it! Everything was gone in like 2 hours ha........food is always a top priority.
So this week was one of mixed feelings.. We had a fun activity yesterday in the ward where we played volleyball, ping pong, and breakdancing. One of the brothers in my ward is a skilled breakdancer and he brought his friends. They taught me a few moves so i´m going to be ready to throw it down. Not sure if breakdancing was appropriate, especially in missionary attire.....but it was fun so "ya fue" :)
Unfortunately all of our investigators without baptismal dates are not going to make it anymore......but we are still working with them so they can get baptized in the future, but we are mostly focusing on the effort, as always, of finding new people, new investigators.
Transfers will be coming up next week, so we´ll see what happens....i´m pretty sure i´ll be getting a new companion! Hope he´s ready.
Anyway, thanks for writing me again this week, i love you all so much!!!
Elder Winger
Scripture: Ether 12:4
Monday, August 20, 2012
I, Tanner, having been born of goodly parents....08/13/12 Week 78
So hey there. Mom, the first part of this letter goes out to you, in response to an email you sent me a couple of weeks ago. I was sitting with a new convert family a couple days ago and the mother was telling me about how its been so stressful to be doing EVERYTHING without much help in the home. She has felt overwhelmed and she feels that her grown up kids don't make the sacrifice to give or do what is asked. I replied to her by saying "welp, i know exactly what its like to be one of those kids ha". I expressed to her that one of the things that helped me realize all that my parents have done for me, something that has helped me to want to express more gratitude and help, and a way that has brought our family close together was Family Prayer everynight. I want to thank you so much, you, dad, tiffani, nate, and casey for making that an important part of the day. I can remember that almost every night i was the last one on my knees. You expressed in your email that you may have felt a little discouraged from not reading from the scriptures with me as much as you would have liked to, but mom, you did. I will never forget you waking up at 6:00 AM with us to read a scripture and say a prayer. I won´t forget dad waking up every morning, even before me and tiff, heading out to another day of work with a big ol grin on his face under that big ol mustache. I really miss those things. Thanks for those examples that you gave me. I have the best family ever.
So this week the work has continued to move forth. We are struggling with baptisms in my area, zone, and the whole mission, and it has really been a time to dig down and kick it up a notch. One of the greatest scriptures of spiritual strength that have touched me is in Alma 26:27. The secret to overcoming any obstacle is work. So we are going to keep chugging along and the lord will continue to bless us.
I´m so grateful to hear that everyone is still doing good good. Let me know if there is anything needed or desired to know :)
Elder Winger
Hey! 08/06/12 Week 77
Hey Family!!!
This week has flown by, once again! Just keepin on goin ha. I´m glad
to hear that everyone is doing well and have taken a little bit of a
rest break. Sounds like the oneida river trip was a blast! Today I
finally took the time to organize my pictures, so I don´t have a lot
of time to write again....as usual ha, but i´m doing great! We had 5
investigators come to church yesterday so that was exciting. And what
happened with the breaking window. We were driving along on the bus
when all of a sudden the window shattered! We came to find out that
someone shot a 16mm steel ball at the window with a slingshot i would
assume. close call ha. Anyways, we are looking to have a couple of
baptisms on the 11th! there names are Ismael and Rodrigo who are 11
and 8 years old. We are still working with the parents, but they
aren´t married and for now the husband isn´t interested...but they are
an amazing family, and veronica, the mom, is the sister in law of our
recent convert valeria who got baptized last month. Also this
week.....fun fact for ya: my comp taught me with his extensive
knowledge that a cow has 3 stomachs or something.....one of which is
used to store "the garbage poop".....anyway, i ate THAT stomach this
week. boiled. im really getting used to eat every other part of the
cow besides the meat part haha. Have a great week, love you and miss
you! Ill be beginning my final 6 months this week!
Elder Winger
This week has flown by, once again! Just keepin on goin ha. I´m glad
to hear that everyone is doing well and have taken a little bit of a
rest break. Sounds like the oneida river trip was a blast! Today I
finally took the time to organize my pictures, so I don´t have a lot
of time to write again....as usual ha, but i´m doing great! We had 5
investigators come to church yesterday so that was exciting. And what
happened with the breaking window. We were driving along on the bus
when all of a sudden the window shattered! We came to find out that
someone shot a 16mm steel ball at the window with a slingshot i would
assume. close call ha. Anyways, we are looking to have a couple of
baptisms on the 11th! there names are Ismael and Rodrigo who are 11
and 8 years old. We are still working with the parents, but they
aren´t married and for now the husband isn´t interested...but they are
an amazing family, and veronica, the mom, is the sister in law of our
recent convert valeria who got baptized last month. Also this
week.....fun fact for ya: my comp taught me with his extensive
knowledge that a cow has 3 stomachs or something.....one of which is
used to store "the garbage poop".....anyway, i ate THAT stomach this
week. boiled. im really getting used to eat every other part of the
cow besides the meat part haha. Have a great week, love you and miss
you! Ill be beginning my final 6 months this week!
Elder Winger
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
just a quick note 07/30/12 Week 76
Hey fam!
So i don´t have ANY time to write this week :( I've been bombarded
with things to do here haha, but just want you to know that everything
is fantastic. We are looking to have some baptisms here in
August....and here's just a hint of a crazy story: i was sitting on
the bus when all of a sudden the window next to me exploded :) ill
let you know all about it later. don´t worry, I'm safe. have a great
Elder Winger
So i don´t have ANY time to write this week :( I've been bombarded
with things to do here haha, but just want you to know that everything
is fantastic. We are looking to have some baptisms here in
August....and here's just a hint of a crazy story: i was sitting on
the bus when all of a sudden the window next to me exploded :) ill
let you know all about it later. don´t worry, I'm safe. have a great
Elder Winger
bricks and stones can break my bones, but wheelbarrow grills are legit. 07/24/12 Week 75
Good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight.
what shall i write to my dear family, friends, and fans tuned in from all around the world?
The work continues to move forth in my little vineyard of Azcuenaga. At church, the sister in law of our recent convert Valeria came to church with her 4 kids, so that i was a huge plus! Valeria is definitely a fire-ball super missionary member, definitely something we've needed in the ward!
Cool story of the week: I passed by for one of our investigators named Pablo, we found him constructing a house nearby his only house for one of his friends. We entered inside, checked it out a little bit, and got to know Diego, the friend. He immediately was super weirded out but interested to meet missionaries.......at first he treated me like an extraterrestrial, and then i just told him i was from the united states....and then he said it was the same thing. Anyway, he turned out to be super cool and invited us to come by the same day to chat a little more and have an asado (argentine barbecue).....super brownie points. So we pass by the next day, and let me just set the scene out for ya: Imagine yourself sitting within the walls of an unfinished house of brick and cement, using fragile, unstable bricks for chairs, using a slab of wood as a plate, using the empty paper bag that held charcoal as a napkin, eating delicious meat that was cooked on a metal rack settled on top of a wheelbarrow with the burning coals inside. Classic. Definitely bringing this tradition back to the states. We will be teaching Diego and his mom, who lives next door to the house- in - process on wednesday.
Anyway, just having a great time here.....theres definitely more to do than time to do it, but I'm doing what i can!
Thanks for your support and all the good stuff, love you so much and I'm getting ready to hit my "6 months to sexy" as they say.
until next week! love you!
para siempre dios este con vos.
Elder Winger
p.s......sorry i didn't send pictures (again)....forgot my memory card in the apartment. :(
Justin Beiber is in my zone 07/17/12 Week 73/74
Top of the morning to ya.
So, i just finished writing a huge paragraph about why i wasn't able to write last monday, and all of a sudden the whole page just went blank........lñksdahgiowhgksñljgas.
anyway, lets just say it was one of those days where bad luck just seems to plague EVERYTHING (bus breaking down, power outages, forgetting essential items.) but now here i am, writing to my dear family once again :)
So Tiffani is headed off to Peru tomorrow!!!! That's so exciting!!! Ive already told all of the peruvian families (theres like.....2) that live in my ward that you are going there. They were pretty jealous haha. But you'll have to let me know all about it! I also got your letter that you wrote me....I've just been super bad at responding, just like i am with everyone else.......but guess what, the prices went up here again for sending laters home.......when i got here in the mission, it was about 7 pesos per letter....now its 11 (or a little less that three dollars). Even though that's not an excuse, its an interesting fact.
So we are still working hard here in my area of Azcuenaga. We have transfers tomorrow and i found out that........................drum roll...............................I'm staying here! shocker! with Elder Bravo. haha, my little el salvadorian not escaping my wrath for at least another 6 weeks. It'll be fun because we get along good.....but he has a knack for attempting to make me "super trunky" about home since we are both going home in february. But it doesn't work and he just ends up "killing" himself haha. Anyway, thats what we are up to.
On Saturday we had a legit stake activity that we missionaries put together called "A trip with the Nephites" We used the whole stake center to make different sections, and the activity is set up so that the participants find themselves living in book of mormon times (including the travel from jerusalem, wandering through a maze of chairs to find and slay laban, lehis tent, boat building, zarahemla, nephite battles, and the coming of Jesus Christ. Every section had games and food, and it turned out really well. We began setting everything up saturday morning and it was really tiring.....we were expecting about 150 people, but unfortunately only 40 ended up making it. bleh, bummer, but it was fun anyway. President Giuliani and his wife made it as well and enjoyed it. Its been quite some time since an activity like this has been done, so it was good.
Here in Azcuenaga we are currently in "search mode" to find new investigators. gotta love clapping those doors.
So anyway, theres an Elder Farley from Utah in my zone who i never mentioned....hes pretty psycho haha. Hes my super redneck friend. But yeah, EVERYONE tells him that he looks just like Justin Beiber, so everytime i see him i sing "baby, baby, baby, oooh!" he hates it :)
Welp, that's the update that I've got for you, it sounds like everythings nice and toasty at home! Its strangely warm here too........short sleeve shirts for the majority of the winter. hmm...global warming.
Sorry about not sending pictures lately, ill be getting better at that.
I love you all so much and thanks for your constant letters and prayers. I love being a missionary and i love the gospel. Take care of yourselves this week........and i will too, making sure i don't slam my face into the wooden floor while doing morning yoga.
Elder Tanner Winger!
So, i just finished writing a huge paragraph about why i wasn't able to write last monday, and all of a sudden the whole page just went blank........lñksdahgiowhgksñljgas.
anyway, lets just say it was one of those days where bad luck just seems to plague EVERYTHING (bus breaking down, power outages, forgetting essential items.) but now here i am, writing to my dear family once again :)
So Tiffani is headed off to Peru tomorrow!!!! That's so exciting!!! Ive already told all of the peruvian families (theres like.....2) that live in my ward that you are going there. They were pretty jealous haha. But you'll have to let me know all about it! I also got your letter that you wrote me....I've just been super bad at responding, just like i am with everyone else.......but guess what, the prices went up here again for sending laters home.......when i got here in the mission, it was about 7 pesos per letter....now its 11 (or a little less that three dollars). Even though that's not an excuse, its an interesting fact.
So we are still working hard here in my area of Azcuenaga. We have transfers tomorrow and i found out that........................drum roll...............................I'm staying here! shocker! with Elder Bravo. haha, my little el salvadorian not escaping my wrath for at least another 6 weeks. It'll be fun because we get along good.....but he has a knack for attempting to make me "super trunky" about home since we are both going home in february. But it doesn't work and he just ends up "killing" himself haha. Anyway, thats what we are up to.
On Saturday we had a legit stake activity that we missionaries put together called "A trip with the Nephites" We used the whole stake center to make different sections, and the activity is set up so that the participants find themselves living in book of mormon times (including the travel from jerusalem, wandering through a maze of chairs to find and slay laban, lehis tent, boat building, zarahemla, nephite battles, and the coming of Jesus Christ. Every section had games and food, and it turned out really well. We began setting everything up saturday morning and it was really tiring.....we were expecting about 150 people, but unfortunately only 40 ended up making it. bleh, bummer, but it was fun anyway. President Giuliani and his wife made it as well and enjoyed it. Its been quite some time since an activity like this has been done, so it was good.
Here in Azcuenaga we are currently in "search mode" to find new investigators. gotta love clapping those doors.
So anyway, theres an Elder Farley from Utah in my zone who i never mentioned....hes pretty psycho haha. Hes my super redneck friend. But yeah, EVERYONE tells him that he looks just like Justin Beiber, so everytime i see him i sing "baby, baby, baby, oooh!" he hates it :)
Welp, that's the update that I've got for you, it sounds like everythings nice and toasty at home! Its strangely warm here too........short sleeve shirts for the majority of the winter. hmm...global warming.
Sorry about not sending pictures lately, ill be getting better at that.
I love you all so much and thanks for your constant letters and prayers. I love being a missionary and i love the gospel. Take care of yourselves this week........and i will too, making sure i don't slam my face into the wooden floor while doing morning yoga.
Elder Tanner Winger!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Woopdeedoodaaaa 07/02/12 Week 72
Hey Everyone!
So here I am, and already hearing about all my classic computer
problems, once again they have plagued me. So......i´ll try to
explain this whole week in under 2 minutes.
Valería and Matias were baptized on Saturday!!! WOO!!! I also had
the privilege to perform the confirmation on Sunday. first. time.
ever. it was a cool experience.
Welp, there´s two minutes haha. Hope everyone is doing well, i sent
some pictures for you to cherish :) have a great week! Love you and
miss you!
Elder Winger
So here I am, and already hearing about all my classic computer
problems, once again they have plagued me. So......i´ll try to
explain this whole week in under 2 minutes.
Valería and Matias were baptized on Saturday!!! WOO!!! I also had
the privilege to perform the confirmation on Sunday. first. time.
ever. it was a cool experience.
Welp, there´s two minutes haha. Hope everyone is doing well, i sent
some pictures for you to cherish :) have a great week! Love you and
miss you!
Elder Winger
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
cooking for a stranger.....06/25/12 Week 71
Hellllllllllllllllooooooooo there!
So this week was pretty nuts, and i´m pretty dead beat tired. We had
plenty of "divisions" to do with the other missionaries, so we´ve been
doing quite a bit of traveling.
We have a baptism this Saturday for Valeria and Matias!!! We´ve only
been teaching them for 3 weeks and they will be entering the waters of
baptism this saturday :) They are absolutely amazing and were
definitely "searching for the truth" Valeria is the mom of matias,
she is 32 years old and matias is 12. We have also taught the dad,
david, a couple of times, but it´s been hard to continue teaching him
because of his work schedule.....but, lucky for him (or maybe unlucky
in a sense) he won´t be able to escape my grasp. We are going to
track him down, and he will be baptized. (According to his
will.......or maybe i´ll just force him.)
This week, something really funny happened, and i believe the Lord
has been teaching me how i can teach the gospel through service.
I was on divisions with Elder Bazquez, and as we were walking back
to the apartment to eat, we ran into a man named Eugenio of around 60
years and we began talking to him in the street. He began showing me
random photos of his family of when he lived in Germany and Italy as a
kid, and then he invited us to his house to drink a soda. I said,
"ok, yeah sure!" So we went with Eugenio to the supermarket where he
bought a sprite and bread, and i decided to buy noodles and salsa for
me and my comps lunch later. We then walked with Eugenio to his
house, and we began to chat and drink soda. I noticed on his walls
that he had a few pictures from the church, pamphlets and things like
that.....he told us that his mom knew a lot about the church.....but
anyway, i was sitting there talking to him, and then i looked at my
watch and noticed that it was lunch-time. "oh what the heck, " i
thought, "We are going to eat here." I then asked Eugenio if i could
cook lunch, and he said "uuuhhh ok." So i ran to the vegetable stand
with my comp, bought some peppers, tomatoes, peas, onion, potatoes,
etc, and then to make a long story a little shorter, i cooked lunch in
Eugenios house. It was way funny because Eugenio´s son Sergio lives
next door, and he walked in as i was cooking and gave me a look of
"who the....what?" and then he left.....but a few minutes later after
we finished eating, he came back and asked about who we were and what
we do........and yeah, he says he´s going to come to church with his
family...unfortunately he didn´t show up yesterday, but as we were at
the church yesterday, i saw the infamous Eugenio walk through the
doors haha......sorry if none of this makes sense, i´m trying to write
faster than i can think.
Anyway, it was super random. Cooking for someone i met on the
street, in their own house.
This week i´m including a few photos that we took from the classic
site of the flag monument...yeah, we went again haha.
Oh, and mom, as far as you coming down here to pick me up, i know that
i said no before, but i want to hear your thoughts about it and what
the plan would be.....maybe we should take advantage of the
opportunity no?
Anyway, gotta run......more paperwork to do :(
Love you all so much!
Elder Winger
So this week was pretty nuts, and i´m pretty dead beat tired. We had
plenty of "divisions" to do with the other missionaries, so we´ve been
doing quite a bit of traveling.
We have a baptism this Saturday for Valeria and Matias!!! We´ve only
been teaching them for 3 weeks and they will be entering the waters of
baptism this saturday :) They are absolutely amazing and were
definitely "searching for the truth" Valeria is the mom of matias,
she is 32 years old and matias is 12. We have also taught the dad,
david, a couple of times, but it´s been hard to continue teaching him
because of his work schedule.....but, lucky for him (or maybe unlucky
in a sense) he won´t be able to escape my grasp. We are going to
track him down, and he will be baptized. (According to his
will.......or maybe i´ll just force him.)
This week, something really funny happened, and i believe the Lord
has been teaching me how i can teach the gospel through service.
I was on divisions with Elder Bazquez, and as we were walking back
to the apartment to eat, we ran into a man named Eugenio of around 60
years and we began talking to him in the street. He began showing me
random photos of his family of when he lived in Germany and Italy as a
kid, and then he invited us to his house to drink a soda. I said,
"ok, yeah sure!" So we went with Eugenio to the supermarket where he
bought a sprite and bread, and i decided to buy noodles and salsa for
me and my comps lunch later. We then walked with Eugenio to his
house, and we began to chat and drink soda. I noticed on his walls
that he had a few pictures from the church, pamphlets and things like
that.....he told us that his mom knew a lot about the church.....but
anyway, i was sitting there talking to him, and then i looked at my
watch and noticed that it was lunch-time. "oh what the heck, " i
thought, "We are going to eat here." I then asked Eugenio if i could
cook lunch, and he said "uuuhhh ok." So i ran to the vegetable stand
with my comp, bought some peppers, tomatoes, peas, onion, potatoes,
etc, and then to make a long story a little shorter, i cooked lunch in
Eugenios house. It was way funny because Eugenio´s son Sergio lives
next door, and he walked in as i was cooking and gave me a look of
"who the....what?" and then he left.....but a few minutes later after
we finished eating, he came back and asked about who we were and what
we do........and yeah, he says he´s going to come to church with his
family...unfortunately he didn´t show up yesterday, but as we were at
the church yesterday, i saw the infamous Eugenio walk through the
doors haha......sorry if none of this makes sense, i´m trying to write
faster than i can think.
Anyway, it was super random. Cooking for someone i met on the
street, in their own house.
This week i´m including a few photos that we took from the classic
site of the flag monument...yeah, we went again haha.
Oh, and mom, as far as you coming down here to pick me up, i know that
i said no before, but i want to hear your thoughts about it and what
the plan would be.....maybe we should take advantage of the
opportunity no?
Anyway, gotta run......more paperwork to do :(
Love you all so much!
Elder Winger
Hey Hey Hey 06/18/12 Week 70
Hey family!!
Glad to hear that everyone is good. Unfortunately i´ve been spending my whole time here on the computer making a word document of announcements for the zone.......i just barely finished and i have to leave in 5 minutes. Sorry that i won´t have time to say much!
This week was really fun! We had 2 baptisms in the zone this weekend, and i had the privilege of directing one of the services. It was a pretty cool first experience ha.
We are going to be having 2 baptisms on the 30th of this month here in Azcuenaga for Valería (mom) and Matías (son).
We are still really busy in the week, and as time begins to wind down, the desire to preach escalates.
Sorry i don´t have more to say, i did get the package and LOVED IT! Thanks mom for sending it. I love the watch too.....and so does one of my investigators. If you get the chance to send a package within the next couple months, it would be cool to stick in another watch (the same one) for him ha. Thanks for sending dollars too to give to people in need. I love your charity, and i´ll use that money wisely.
Thanks for your prayers and constant support. I love you all so much.
Elder Winger
"They are definitely American" 06/11/12 Week 69
Hello hello hello.
So last Monday we went to the Flag Monument (again) to take some pictures from the top. You can take an elevator ride for 3 pesos to the top and take pictures of all of Rosario. It was pretty cool. As I was standing in line, I noticed that the two guys in front of me were speaking english. and they weren´t missionaries. Ha, I started talking to them and came to find out that they are from Washington D.C. and are here "just to visit." Of course, being a missionary instead of a normal human being, after asking two questions such as "What´s your name? Where are you from?" I had the automatic instinct to being getting to know their religious backgrounds and share our message. Unfortunately they weren´t to interested and our conversation ended a little awkwardly....but at least they know "the mormons" a little better :)
Yesterday we had Stake Conference. Elder Arnold from the first quorum of the seventy and his wife came and spoke to us. It was just peachy. As well as President Giuliani and his wife. Bad news: Yesterday was my mission presidents birthday and i didn´t mention anything to him.......i´m pretty sure that´ll get me a thorn in the toe (is that a phrase?) when next transfers come ha.
Today was a good week in the work. One of our investigators brought her friend to the conference yesterday and we are going to teach her this week. We gave a baptismal date for the mom of a recent convert, and last night i found a man named Gustavo who lives 4 blocks from the church, never has heard the missionaries from our church (but yes of the jehovas witnesses, adventists, etc), super excited to read the BOM, yeah! thats all
Hope everyone is doing well! I hope to hear from everyone soon! Keep safe, and I love you
Fun Fact: The book of Philemon: A letter about Onesimus, a slave that robbed his master Philemon and ran away....Paul finds him in Rome and tells him to go back, asking Philemon to forgive him and accept him as a fellow christian. wow.
Elder Winger
p.s. I´ve been wanting to send pictures, but i´m still having difficulties.......until next time!
June is one of my favorite months' 06/05/12 Week 68
And nothings changing. I´ll be sticking around here in Azcuenaga with my dear Elder Bravo for the next 6 weeks. We did have a lot of changes in our zone though, it´s sad to see people leave, but it´s always refreshing and exciting to begin working with new people.
This week has been pretty psycho. One of the companionships in our zone have had problems with robbers attempting to enter their apartment, so they have moved in with us until a new apartment is found. We have also had an Elder finish the mission, etc......anyway, the whole point of the matter is, is that we´ve been living with 5-6 elders in the same apartment this week....and to conserve heat, we all sleep in the same teeny tiny room haha.
The work continues to move along. We have had some trouble finding new investigators, but searching is the grand part of the mission right? We are helping one of our investigators named Angela get prepared for her baptism here in the next couple weeks. She only needs to stop smoking to be eligible for baptism, and she hasn´t smoked in the last 5 days! It´s lookin good.
Exciting news: We have book of mormons!! After all of the importation problems, the Lord has blessed us with more of our mighty weapons. We back in business.
We´ve started the weekly english classes here in the ward, so we´ll see how that goes with finding new investigators, as well as Family Home Evenings - Ward Edition.
Alright, now to respond to your email that you sent me, it sounds like Disneyland is the place to be! Haha keep safe on another sure-to-be fun adventure. Oh, and mom, congratulations of your new calling! Oh and make sure to tell grandma carma ¡¡¡¡¡¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!! Tell Brother Gunnell and the whole ward hi for me and thanks for their support.
Anyway, I Love You and thanks keeping updated with me. Sorry for not sending many pictures, my memory card has like 32 viruses from using all the public computers....i´m hoping to save my pictures!
¡Tengan una linda semana!
Elder Winger
Scripture of the Week: D&C 1. Answering the question: Why do we need prophets? -Kinda Cool.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Chinchulin........yum 05/28/12 Week 67
Hey fam!
So this week, I have only about 30 seconds to write because i´ve been doing some good ol paperwork....blah blah blah.
This week went by super fast! One of the highlights is that we taught a super powerful lesson to a less-active named Daniel and he ended up coming to church yesterday for the first time in months! I also ate Chinchulin with a family yesterday....what´s that you may ask? Cow intestines. Filled. yummmmmmmmmmm
Anyway, scripture of the week: Fillipians 4: 11-13
Sorry to be so short, but i´ll write more next week! Love you and hope everyone is well and safe.
Elder Winger
First step in the rain...and my foot´s already soaked :( 05/21/12 Week 66
So, as the title mentions, we´ve had a few days of rain this week. As I showed you last Sunday, my shoes have weathered, aren´t exactly capable of handling such weather. But today, I bought myself a new pair and everythings fine and dandy...and i´m thinkin that they´ll last the 8.5 months... so, it´s fantastic to know now that I can walk without the fear of stepping on a mis-placed nail or doggy dung that won´t touch my bare skin :)
This week went well, but we are a little low on our quantity of investigators. We´re basically in hunting mode at the moment, but hopefully this coming Saturday we will have a baptism for our investigator Angela. We´re praying fervently!
So I´ve gotten to know a lot more of the members throughout the week, and there´s one family with 2 girls who are twins and also 20 years of age. I had about a million questions to answer when they found out that i had a twin as well ha. They send their greetings to the fam. Also, yesterday my companion was telling me about a restaurant that he heard about where only twins can enter...kinda weird, but i thought i would tell you that. So yeah tiff, maybe one day we´ll go there...if i find out where it is....and if it even exists.
I read a scripture this week that really showed me just how important it is for us to share the gospel with EVERYONE that we know and what our Father in Heaven expects of us as members of his church. It´s in Romans 10: 13-15 which says:
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
So, as the title mentions, we´ve had a few days of rain this week. As I showed you last Sunday, my shoes have weathered, aren´t exactly capable of handling such weather. But today, I bought myself a new pair and everythings fine and dandy...and i´m thinkin that they´ll last the 8.5 months... so, it´s fantastic to know now that I can walk without the fear of stepping on a mis-placed nail or doggy dung that won´t touch my bare skin :)
This week went well, but we are a little low on our quantity of investigators. We´re basically in hunting mode at the moment, but hopefully this coming Saturday we will have a baptism for our investigator Angela. We´re praying fervently!
So I´ve gotten to know a lot more of the members throughout the week, and there´s one family with 2 girls who are twins and also 20 years of age. I had about a million questions to answer when they found out that i had a twin as well ha. They send their greetings to the fam. Also, yesterday my companion was telling me about a restaurant that he heard about where only twins can enter...kinda weird, but i thought i would tell you that. So yeah tiff, maybe one day we´ll go there...if i find out where it is....and if it even exists.
I read a scripture this week that really showed me just how important it is for us to share the gospel with EVERYONE that we know and what our Father in Heaven expects of us as members of his church. It´s in Romans 10: 13-15 which says:
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
My testimony has grown in realizing that some of the greatest blessings and joys of the gospel come in the sharing of it. This scripture really helped me to realize my place in this work and what a privilege it is to help people to believe in Christ and be saved by him. No person es able to receive the gospel without first hearing it from another.
I guess I don´t have too much to write this week, but thanks for all your support and prayers. I hope that we can each find an opportunity to preach this gospel of peace that we have in our lives. I love you all!
Elder Winger
Winter?? 05/14/12 Week 65
Hey everyone!
It was way nice to see everyone yesterday and to spend a few minutes catching up on things. Mom, i hope that you had the best Mothers day ever. You've done everything for me, and I can never give you enough thanks. Thank you so much for what you've given me and our family.
Today we played some soccer and I could really use a nice nap, but i still don't understand the weather here......it seems like we are all preparing for a beautiful summer.
I hope that everyone is doing well and keeping safe. Your are always in my prayers and thoughts.
Here's a quote that I enjoyed. Hope you like it.
"Have faith. Breakdowns create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so that things can fall together." - Dan Zedra
Until next week!!! ¡Con Amor!
Elder Winger
It was way nice to see everyone yesterday and to spend a few minutes catching up on things. Mom, i hope that you had the best Mothers day ever. You've done everything for me, and I can never give you enough thanks. Thank you so much for what you've given me and our family.
Today we played some soccer and I could really use a nice nap, but i still don't understand the weather here......it seems like we are all preparing for a beautiful summer.
I hope that everyone is doing well and keeping safe. Your are always in my prayers and thoughts.
Here's a quote that I enjoyed. Hope you like it.
"Have faith. Breakdowns create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so that things can fall together." - Dan Zedra
Until next week!!! ¡Con Amor!
Elder Winger
Thursday, May 10, 2012
ABC, It´s easy as 1-2-tres 05/7/12 Week 64
How´s everyone been doing this week? I´m happy to hear that dear old Tiffani returned to Home Base :). Sounds like it must´ve been an adventurous week.
This morning was exciting because we went to an investigators house, called the civil register, and fixed a date for the 15th of June for their Marriage :) Their names are Dario & Rosana, and the other couple is Rosa & Willy. And Following: Baptism. Rosa and Willy tried to convince us that they wanted to wait until August of 2013 to get married, because it would be their "20 years being together anniversary." I said "that don´t fly with me." They settled for the 15 of June.
I´m sending a few pictures from the final day of my last area, i haven´t taken too many pictures here yet.....but i´m on it.
Our comical moment of the week was Thursday. My comp got sick so I had to sit in the apartment ALL DAY. With my natural american mindset of "time is money", I decided to try opening a little kiosco from the front door (kiosco- little shop that people have in their houses. they sell "the necessities" from their front window." I decided to try it. With a sharpie pen and some paper, I wrote : Gelatin $3, ñoquis (a food) $7, and Toothpicks: free. Nobody bought anything, but it was a good effort.
I´m loving azcuenaga and the work of the lord. We have high hopes for this area and for all of the missionaries in our zone. I know the Lord is guiding this work, and he continually shows his miracles in everyday life. I´ll be talking to you next week using SKYPE from a members home. I´ll send the email of my companions skype account to you tomorrow so that you can add it.
Until next week. I love you!
Elder Winger
How´s everyone been doing this week? I´m happy to hear that dear old Tiffani returned to Home Base :). Sounds like it must´ve been an adventurous week.
This morning was exciting because we went to an investigators house, called the civil register, and fixed a date for the 15th of June for their Marriage :) Their names are Dario & Rosana, and the other couple is Rosa & Willy. And Following: Baptism. Rosa and Willy tried to convince us that they wanted to wait until August of 2013 to get married, because it would be their "20 years being together anniversary." I said "that don´t fly with me." They settled for the 15 of June.
I´m sending a few pictures from the final day of my last area, i haven´t taken too many pictures here yet.....but i´m on it.
Our comical moment of the week was Thursday. My comp got sick so I had to sit in the apartment ALL DAY. With my natural american mindset of "time is money", I decided to try opening a little kiosco from the front door (kiosco- little shop that people have in their houses. they sell "the necessities" from their front window." I decided to try it. With a sharpie pen and some paper, I wrote : Gelatin $3, ñoquis (a food) $7, and Toothpicks: free. Nobody bought anything, but it was a good effort.
I´m loving azcuenaga and the work of the lord. We have high hopes for this area and for all of the missionaries in our zone. I know the Lord is guiding this work, and he continually shows his miracles in everyday life. I´ll be talking to you next week using SKYPE from a members home. I´ll send the email of my companions skype account to you tomorrow so that you can add it.
Until next week. I love you!
Elder Winger
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May your Mayo be Merry 04/30/12 Week 63
¿Qué les pasa? Buen dia.
I forgot to mention how hard it was to say GOODBYE to my recent converts and the members in Villa Gobernador Galvez! It´s the hardest part of being a missionary. leaving.
Alright, Let´s just cut straight to the good stuff. My new comps name is Elder Bravo from El Salvador. We are actually from the same group that will be finishing in February of the coming year. Anyways, He´s an absolute stud and we are going to have a good time working together.
This week flew by really fast, which is nothing new...but it was more of a "getting settled in" type of week. It didn´t start out too hot, because as the zone leaders of the area, on transfer day (wednesday) we had to wait at the bus terminal from 8 am until all of the missionaries came and went to their respective areas. We were there ALL day with not much to do haha. At about 8 pm that night, Elder Smart came strolling in through the doors. We had a lot of catching up to do, it was a great time. But the bad thing was that his bus didn´t leave until 1 in the morning.....so Elder Bravo and I finally left the terminal at 1:15 on thursday morning ha.(but no worries, we were satisfied having gone to Mcdonalds 3 times throughout the day) 17 hours in a bus terminal will drive anyone crazy....but i´m already that way, so it didn´t affect me much.
I´ve spent the last few days just getting to know some investigators, members, things like that. Nothing too exciting to report....i did bear my testimony on sunday. woo hoo.
I feel super boring this week, I´m Sorry! But I love the new area, it seems really chill, and we have a legit heater and shower....cuz it´s starting to get chilly
Scripture for the week: D&C 88:62-63. Let´s continue drawing ourselves unto Christ!...continuously :)
P.S. I ate Mcdonalds again today. That´s 4 separate visits to the golden arches this week. Ese payaso que vive ahí me asusta mucho.
p.s.s. I forgot my usb drive today, and so there aren´t any photos.
p.s.s.s. I meant push up BARS not BRA haha. here´s a website for an example.
p.s.s.s.s. just wanted to put another p.s.
p.s.s.s.s.s. ¡Love you mucho!
¡Un Abrazo a todos! ¡Qué tengan una buena semana!
Elder Winger
I forgot to mention how hard it was to say GOODBYE to my recent converts and the members in Villa Gobernador Galvez! It´s the hardest part of being a missionary. leaving.
I did receive a couple of cool gifts, like a mate (similiar to the cup i sent to you in the package with the scripture covers) and i received a soccer jersey of the RIVER team (one of the big teams here). Just thought i would mention those 2 things. :) bye.
Todays forecast: 100% Scrumdidilyumpcious 04/24/12 Week 62
To Whom It May Concern:
This past weekend, we had the baptism of Juan Carlos Quintana! This time, thinking beforehand for once, we decided to fill the baptismal font up on Friday to avoid the "Oh fetch, there´s not any water" panic attack that is always sure to come on Saturday. Everything went fairly smooth, and I think that success can be tied back to that one decision, and just the fact that Juan is a stud. As we entered the water for his baptismal, we both shivered and said, "oh wow, that´s quite chilly." I immediately thought to myself "Thank heavens that I only have to be submerged up to my belly-button....." As Juan came up out of the water, his face lit up (into what i believe was a reaction of Joy and/or shock), and he cried out "Está Frio Ché" or "It´s fetchin cold man." Everyone got a good laugh. it was pretty hilarious jaja. He also recieved the Holy Ghost on Sunday and him and his wife Rosalia are now on their journey together towards eternal life :) what a fairytail beginning.
Also this weekend, my whole district (which consists of 3 companionship's) had baptisms!!! WOO HOO!
I found out today what is going to be happening to me this coming transfer that begins tomorrow. I´ll be leaving good ol´ Villa Gobernador Galvez (in the Rosario Zone) to Azcuénaga (in the Rosario West Zone). I´m going to be companions with Elder Bravo, who i´ve heard is from central america. We are going to be the Zone leaders in that area, which is pretty exciting ha. It´ll be another chapter of adventure in the lord´s vineyard.
Breaking News: We found another Rat´s nest that was actually built INSIDE our oven (but you can only see that part if you look through the back) It was disgusting. Oven Destroyed. We are currently on the hunt to kill 6 (more or less) little rat-sculs in the apartment. It´s Fear Factor for real.
Anyways, that has been my week! Thanks Shantra for sending the pictures of Ali! She´s already so big! A lot bigger than the last time I saw her....haha (no pun intended)
Well, looking to do SOME WORK in the upcoming transfer. Keep safe at home. Love you Family. And Friends.
Elder Winger
This past weekend, we had the baptism of Juan Carlos Quintana! This time, thinking beforehand for once, we decided to fill the baptismal font up on Friday to avoid the "Oh fetch, there´s not any water" panic attack that is always sure to come on Saturday. Everything went fairly smooth, and I think that success can be tied back to that one decision, and just the fact that Juan is a stud. As we entered the water for his baptismal, we both shivered and said, "oh wow, that´s quite chilly." I immediately thought to myself "Thank heavens that I only have to be submerged up to my belly-button....." As Juan came up out of the water, his face lit up (into what i believe was a reaction of Joy and/or shock), and he cried out "Está Frio Ché" or "It´s fetchin cold man." Everyone got a good laugh. it was pretty hilarious jaja. He also recieved the Holy Ghost on Sunday and him and his wife Rosalia are now on their journey together towards eternal life :) what a fairytail beginning.
Also this weekend, my whole district (which consists of 3 companionship's) had baptisms!!! WOO HOO!
I found out today what is going to be happening to me this coming transfer that begins tomorrow. I´ll be leaving good ol´ Villa Gobernador Galvez (in the Rosario Zone) to Azcuénaga (in the Rosario West Zone). I´m going to be companions with Elder Bravo, who i´ve heard is from central america. We are going to be the Zone leaders in that area, which is pretty exciting ha. It´ll be another chapter of adventure in the lord´s vineyard.
Breaking News: We found another Rat´s nest that was actually built INSIDE our oven (but you can only see that part if you look through the back) It was disgusting. Oven Destroyed. We are currently on the hunt to kill 6 (more or less) little rat-sculs in the apartment. It´s Fear Factor for real.
Anyways, that has been my week! Thanks Shantra for sending the pictures of Ali! She´s already so big! A lot bigger than the last time I saw her....haha (no pun intended)
Well, looking to do SOME WORK in the upcoming transfer. Keep safe at home. Love you Family. And Friends.
Elder Winger
Monday, April 16, 2012
not much time to write...... 04/16/12 Week 61
hey family!!!
I just got done configuring some stuff with my pictures and downloaded the conference sessions i wasn´t able to watch, and now i´m here to update you with whats been goin down.
David Romero, the husband of the couple we married a couple of weeks ago, got baptized on Saturday! Of course a few "problems" seemed to happen......lack of water, baptismal clothing, the meeting agenda, but all in all, the baptism happened haha. it was a good time.
This week, Juan Carlos (the husband of our recent convert Rosalia) will be baptized this Saturday! It looks like we were just meant to complete a couple of families here in Villa Galvez haha. I´ll let you know how it all goes. The Lord has been abundantly blessing us in all aspects of the work.
Yesterday at church, we brought our 20 year old investigator Matias to church. We stopped by his house in the morning so that we could walk with him. He´s dog, Tigre (tiger), decided to come along as well....uninvited ha. We walked about 10 blocks to the church, and Tigre was there for the whole way. When we got to the church house, I thought to myself (ok, Tigre can just chill outside for a few hours on the church grounds.....) the opposite happened. As we entered the sacrament meeting room, being totally unaware I saw good ol Tigre come strolling in behind his master. He stayed for the whole meeting. And enjoyed it. Actually, i can honestly say he was more calm and silent than 90 percent of the members hahaha.
Anyway, that was the first time i´ve had a dog in a church meeting. I added him to the count of how many people we had in church today.
Anyway, I don´t have any more time this week, but everything is going just dandy. We will be having transfers next week, so i´ll have p-day on tuesday....we´ll be seeing where my next adventure takes me. Thanks for your prayers and support. Love you all. The church is true.
Con amor,
Elder Winger
p.s. Mom, in the package you were going to send, could you send me a watch (something on the cheaper end ha) and push up bars? THANK YOU :) love you.
I just got done configuring some stuff with my pictures and downloaded the conference sessions i wasn´t able to watch, and now i´m here to update you with whats been goin down.
David Romero, the husband of the couple we married a couple of weeks ago, got baptized on Saturday! Of course a few "problems" seemed to happen......lack of water, baptismal clothing, the meeting agenda, but all in all, the baptism happened haha. it was a good time.
This week, Juan Carlos (the husband of our recent convert Rosalia) will be baptized this Saturday! It looks like we were just meant to complete a couple of families here in Villa Galvez haha. I´ll let you know how it all goes. The Lord has been abundantly blessing us in all aspects of the work.
Yesterday at church, we brought our 20 year old investigator Matias to church. We stopped by his house in the morning so that we could walk with him. He´s dog, Tigre (tiger), decided to come along as well....uninvited ha. We walked about 10 blocks to the church, and Tigre was there for the whole way. When we got to the church house, I thought to myself (ok, Tigre can just chill outside for a few hours on the church grounds.....) the opposite happened. As we entered the sacrament meeting room, being totally unaware I saw good ol Tigre come strolling in behind his master. He stayed for the whole meeting. And enjoyed it. Actually, i can honestly say he was more calm and silent than 90 percent of the members hahaha.
Anyway, that was the first time i´ve had a dog in a church meeting. I added him to the count of how many people we had in church today.
Anyway, I don´t have any more time this week, but everything is going just dandy. We will be having transfers next week, so i´ll have p-day on tuesday....we´ll be seeing where my next adventure takes me. Thanks for your prayers and support. Love you all. The church is true.
Con amor,
Elder Winger
p.s. Mom, in the package you were going to send, could you send me a watch (something on the cheaper end ha) and push up bars? THANK YOU :) love you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The True Meaning of Pascua 04/09/12 Week 61
My Dearest family and friends and family,
I sure loved this past week, being able to commemorate the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior. The Greatest Miracle of All.
Our Investigator David passed his Baptismal Interview yesterday and we are excited to have his baptism this Saturday. Woo hoo. I did receive the package from the Henriksens as well :) It was SHWEET. I even bought some eggs today to do so mean decorating. Should be fun.
Everything is going just peachy here, jus doin some work. 10 months to go today, which scares me, but it´s motivating as well. I picture that the rest of my life is going to fly by just as fast as now, so it would be good to learn how to take advantage of everyday haha. Sorry this message isn´t too long, we just got done playing like 3 hours of soccer and i want to hibernate for like 3 months. Glad to hear everyone is doing well and is having plenty of adventures :) Keep safe, and I´ll be talking to you next week!
scripture of the week!
1 Corinthians 9:14 - Live what you believe.
p.s. I honestly don´t remember my shoe size mom.......and if you could add the classic fire cheetohs and maybe some PRINGLES (and make ém spicy) that would be wonderful. Love you.
p.s.s. The Picture I sent is of ZAPOLIO. He´s a friend I found while cirujeando. We use him to practice teaching lessons, and he gives us a good scare every night
Re: Conference time 04/02/2012 Week 60
¡Buen Dia!
As you have probably already predicted, the first thing i´m going to mention is General Conference. Wasn´t it so incredible? I was able to watch Saturday Morning, Sunday Morning, and Sunday Afternoon. I can´t say that I can pick a talk which I liked most, for it was truly manifest that all the words spoken were the words of the Lord, as he says in D&C 1:38 "
whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." How blessed we are.
whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." How blessed we are.
We are currently preparing Juan Anriquez, 18 years old, and David Romero , 21, for their baptism on the 14th of April. They are going to make fantastic additions to the priesthood ranks and so far all is going well with cultivating their faith and testimonies. Both of them were able to attend conference yesterday.....what better atmosphere to be in than General Conference. Boom.
This week, I learned how to give gratitude to Heavenly Father for ALL things, big and small. We lost power on tuesday of this week in the apartment and lived on candles for a few days. (it would´ve been nice to have a few scenstys´) We thought our power got turned off because we didn´t pay the bill for last month like we thought.....
. But on Sunday morning....still no power and no edible food in the fridge. But yeah, we figured out that they never really turned off our power, we just had to switch out a fuse. light restored in 30 seconds. Light is a great blessing.
We continue to keep working hard here in Galvez, keeping high hopes and staying animated. A grand key to missionary work and life i suppose is to "keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side." Blessings always outweigh suffering. The Lord lives. This Gospel is True. What else matters?
I hope that all of us as Latter-Day-Saints can continue doing our part in the vineyard to build up God´s Kingdom. The time to share, shine, and be is now. For as Elder Holland told us, "it´s getting late."
Hip Hip Hooray for Zion.
I want to thank you so much for your prayers and support. Mom and Dad, a great topic in this conference was about parents and families. In the words of O. Vincent Haleck "I´ve learned the significance of faithful parents. My life has been changed forever." No one is able to find the truth without the help of others. Thank you so much for your love, PATIENCE, and support for all that i´ve done, good or bad. I know that we will live as a family forever, and you are the reason i´m out here serving the Lord. Just wanted you to know I love you.
I´m happy to hear that everyone is doing well and safe :) Sounds like everything from disneyland to school to work to spring break is keeping everyone cheerful.
Elder Winger
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
DON´T LOOK UNDER THE STOVE.......03/26/2012 Week 59
This week was a fun one. Starting off on Monday, a crazy thunderstorm came
. It started just after we arrived at the pench. But wow, it was strong. I decided to hurry and change my clothes to shorts and a short sleeve shirt and get out there. It was the closest thing to swimming that I´ve experienced in the last 13 months. Combined with thunder and lightning, hailstones and rain bullets, i decided to risk my life by climbing on the roof and singing "The Spirit of God Like A Fire Is Burning". and that´s literally what i did. Just thrilling.
Also this week, a Part-Member family got Married!!!!!!!!! Daina and David are their names. Daina has been a member for a number of years, and has been living with David for 4 years i believe. David has been listening to the missionaries for the last 4 years, but getting married has always been the obstacle. Until now. They have 3 children, but are only 21 and 20 years old. The family is great and we love them to death....and they love us too. they better. Anyway, they were married on Friday, after the special couple showed up classicly almost 1 hour late. but married they were. David has his baptismal date for the 14 of April.
Also this week, in the "war at home" that we are literally having in the apartment, the enemy has changed from cockroaches and mosquito's to rats....lots of rats. We have been able to kill a few throughout the week, but you won´t believe what we found yesterday.....the NEST.....ooo hoo woo, the nest. in our house. As we were trying to kill a couple of rats throughout the week, we noticed that they were trying to hide under the stove, so we took cups and cups of boiling water and threw it underneath. it worked. But last night, we decided to move the stove to do a little bit of cleaning and......we found the remnants of at least 60 rats i believe.......incredible :) We won. I won´t send pictures because they are horrific.....but i did take pictures.
Ok, I think it´s time for a spiritual experience. I´ll tell you of the one that i had here on the way to the computer lab place. We were sitting on the bus, as we have done a million times, and i found myself sitting next to a tound man of about my same age, with a sweet beard, earrings, tattoos, the whole works. I was sitting there and decided to pull out my book of mormon to do a little bit of reading for the next 20 minute ride. As I began to read where i had left off, i had the thought/prompting to give the man next to me the book. I found myself finding excuses not to do it, saying that "its p-day" and stuff like that, and just kept reading. The prompting came again. weird. I decided to write a little message in the cover of the book, a simple testimony, and then i just sat there looking out the window. After a few minutes, I decided to say a little prayer to ask God if I needed to give the book to the man next to me. I decided to do the classic strategy of opening my book of mormon and reading the first verse i saw. I was astonished. It was 3 Nefi 11:33 (i know it´s in spanish here, so go grab your english scriptures and look.) "Y cualquiera que crea en mí, y sea abautizado, éste será bsalvo; y son ellos los que cheredarán el reino de Dios."
Soon after i read this scripture, the man got up to leave. I tapped him on the shoulder and said "hey, i want to give you this book" (i stuttered as i said it, because i found myself as surprised as he was, and the ten other people around us) He replied "no, no, it´s alright." (At this moment i´m thinking, hey sir, i´ve been doing this for quite some time now, and i don´t take no for an answer so easily
). I said, "please accept this book, it has changed my life." He said, "ok thanks." and went on his way. It was a good learning experience for me, doing what i feel i should do when i should do it.....and yeah, i simply said "hi" to all the other people that were awkwardly staring at me haha.
Anyway, that was my experience of the day. I love being a missionary for the Lord. It has changed my life. Walking everyday, meeting tons of new people, i have come to learn that there are MANY ways to live this life, but there is only 1 way to live it happily, and that´s by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It´s the way of happiness because it´s the way back home, back to our Father in Heaven. What a glorious message we have. And we should NEVER be scared, or hesitant, or nervous to share it with everyone and anyone. That´s what the Lord taught me today during a bus ride in Argentina.
I love you all, thank you so much for your prayers and support. I´m glad to hear that your birthday was amazing Mom. I love you so much, sorry i missed it. I also got a letter from Grandma and Luiza that I LOVED!!!!!!! Haha, if you could remind me of their email addresses, i´d love to send a little mensajito to them. Thanks.
Keep Safe. Keep the Faith.
Con Cariño, (y muchos besos)
Elder Winger
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